Triplett 3444
Triplett Electrical Instrument Company
Bluffton, Ohio USA
The 3444 was one of the best midpriced tubetesters made in the
USA. Introduced in 1959, it competed directly with the Hickok 539
series of tubetesters. The main attribute of the 3444 is the fact
that it has a maximum plate voltage of +250 volts while most other tube
testers, including the Hickoks, only have a maximum plate voltage of
around +125 volts. This higher voltage gives a more accurate
measurement for tubes being tested because the tester's electrical
conditions closely simulates a true working environment for the tube to
be tested in. Also this higher plate voltage is more reliable in
identifying faulty gaseous tubes. Another great feature is the 5
kHz internal oscillator which is used to inject a signal to the grid of a
tube being tested. This features offers a more realistic input
signal condition then that of the Hickok 539 series which only offer a
60 Hz input signal. One other notable feature is the ability to
test dual sectioned tubes under one setup instead of two setups.
Below are the specks which are found in the Triplett 3444 owners
manual. I purchased this tube tester from the James McDonald
auction which was held at the 2004 IHRS/AWA 33rd Annual Regional Spring
Meet, Johanning Civic Center, Kokomo, Indiana.
Tube and Rectifier Line Up:
12AU7.....Meter Amplifier
2 half wave rectifiers
2 full wave rectifiers
Power Source:
AC...117 Volts
Height...7-3/4 inches
Width...18-3/16 inches
Depth...7-3/4 inches
Click here to see Hickok's current homesite.
Triplett Instruction Manual
Model 3444 Tube Analyzer
This owners manual covers the technical data, theory of
operation, installation and initial adjustments, the controls, step by
step operation instructions, precautions, maintenance, cross reference
to tube types, replaceable parts, schematic diagram, and warranty.
It measures 11 inches x 8 1/2 inches and containes 16 pages, excluding
front and back covers. Copyright 1959. Part No.
3444 Triplett
Roll Chart Supplement
This tube supplement chart covers all tubes that the roll chart
doesn't cover, espicially older tubes such as the 00A, 01A, 99, Western
Electric tubes such as the 300B and 310A, and forign tubes such as the
Rogers (Canada) 88M. It measures 9 inches x 6 inches and containes
16 pages. Part No. 84-130-110167-12.
Technical Data Triplett Model 3444
Gm SIGNAL POTENTIALS AND RANGES Four direct reading Gm ranges 1.00001,000 micromhos 2.00003,000 micromhos 3.00010,000 micromhos 4.00030,000 micromhos
Four signal potentials @ 5 kHz 1.0001,000 millivolts 2.0000,333 millivolts 3.0000,100 millivolts 4.00000,33 millivolts
SHORT TEST Filtered DC, 85 volts. In accordance with EIA G-8 Committee recommendations.
LEAKAGE 0 to 10 megaohms at 85 volts (measurements made directly on the meter).
PLATE POTENTIALS AND CURRENT RANGES Four DC plate potentials. 1.000012 volts 2.000030 volts 3.000100 volts 4.000250 volts
DC plate current ranges (can be used for plate current cut-off
measurements and grid current readings to determine cutt-off point of
tube). 1.00005 ma full scale 2.00050 ma full scale
BIAS Two DC bias ranges (on 50 division dial so that actual bias voltages can be read directly). 1.00000 to 5 volts 2.0000 to 50 volts
SCREEN POTENTIALS Five DC screen potentials 1.000012 volts 2.000030 volts 3.000045 volts 4.000100 volts 5.000250 volts
FILAMENT VOLTAGES Twenty-three AC voltages closely regulated: 1.00000.63 volts 2.00001.25 volts 3.000001.4 volts 4.000002.0 volts 5.00002.35 volts 6.000002.8 volts 7.00003.15 volts 8.000004.2 volts 9.000004.7 volts 10.00005.0 volts 11.00006.3 volts 12.00007.5 volts 13.00008.4 volts 14.00009.5 volts 15.00010.5 volts 16.00012.6 volts 17.00016.8 volts 18.00018.9 volts 19.00026.0 volts 20.00035.0 volts 21.00050.0 volts 22.00070.0 volts 23.00117.0 volts
Gm CIRCUIT CHECK Self checking GM circuit with 5 kHz signal source and vacuum tube micrometer.
GRID CURRENT Grid current test under operating conditions.
PLATE CUT-OFF Cut-off measurement on voltage amplifiers.
RECTIFIER TEST Test for rectifiers is made under load.
DUAL PURPOSE TUBES Single element switching set up for dual purpose tubes.
THYRATRON TEST Firing voltage grid current and cut-off measurements in thyratrons.
SIGNAL OSCILLATOR Output 1.5 volts, 5000 cps.
METER Rugged 200 micrometer, illuminated, with 4" scale length and knife edge pointer.
NOISE TEST Noise test jacks for checking noisy or intermittent tubes.
TUBE CHART Roll chart illuminated and removable.
SOCKETS Combination
4-5-6 prong; combination 7 prong; octal; loctal; 7 pin subminiature; 8
pin subminiature (round); 7 pin miniature; 9 pin miniature; nuvister on
serial number above 3,000; acorn adapter (supplied with analyzer -
stored in roll chart compartment). Octal, 7 pin miniature, 9 pin
miniature are socket-savers for easy replacement from the panel.
NOTE--The red dot on the panel next to the 7 pin subminiature socket
indicates pin No. 1. This usually is indicated on the subminiature tube
with a red dot.
PIN STRAIGHTENER DIES 7 pin and 9 pin straightener dies on panel.
CASE Wood, gray leatherette covered, 15-3/16" x 18-13/16" x 7-3/4".
OVERLOAD Red bulb lights with excessive overload.
FUSE 3 amp, 250 volt, type 3AG in roll chart compartment.
Weight 24 pounds.
POWER 117 AC volts, 50-60 cps.
ACCESSORIES One black grid cap or cathode cap lead, one red plate cap lead. One acorn adapter.
This web page was last updated: January 1, 2017